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Pacific Waves for Thursday 26 November 2015
Dateline Pacific evening edition for 26 November 2015
4:06 PM.Court application to stop purse seiners in Cooks; Head of regional body says gender violence a cancer in the Pacific; Pressure grows for greater fisheries observer measures; We look at Frances… Read more Audio
Court application to stop purse seiners in Cooks
4:05 PM.The Cook Islands High Court is set to hear an application which aims to stop the government from allowing more purse seine boats to fish in its waters. Audio
Head of regional body says gender violence a cancer in Pacific
4:04 PM.As the Pacific comes together to raise awareness about gender violence in the 16 Days of Action, the director general of the Secretariat of the Pacific Community says it is a cancer in Pacific… Read more Audio
Pressure grows for greater fisheries observer measures
4:03 PM.The WWF has called for the Tuna Commission to adopt greater measures to ensure the safety of fisheries observers onboard fishing vessels after the disappearance of another observer working on Pacific… Read more Audio
Dateline Pacific morning edition for 26 November 2015
6:05 AM.Will France support the Pacific's ambitions for a major international climate agreement?; Papua New Guinea police react angrily to claims of extra-judicial killings; A controversial exchange levy in… Read more Audio
France gathers Pacific leaders ahead of COP21
6:04 AM.France has gathered Pacific leaders together in Paris this week for a summit ahead of the COP21, but will it support the islands' ambitious goals for the crucial climate change talks?. Audio
PNG police chief rejects Australian's rape and murder claims
6:03 AM.Police management in Papua New Guinea has angrily dismissed claims by an Australian whistleblower that he witnessed extra-judicials killings by PNG police. Audio
Tonga exchange levy delayed yet again
6:02 AM.A controversial levy in Tonga has been deferred for a third time so it can be ammended to include more money exchange operators. Audio