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Pacific Waves for Friday 2 October 2015
Dateline Pacific evening edition for 2 October 2015
4:04 PM.The Marshall Islands foreign minister reiterates his call for nuclear powers to disarm; Kiribati is to hold talks with other atoll states to try and develop a mechanism to cater for climate-induced… Read more Audio
Marshall Islands awarded for stance against nuclear powers
4:03 PM.For its stance against the nuclear powers, Marshall Islands has been awarded the alternate Nobel prize. Audio
Vanuatu communities taught to rebuild stronger
4:00 PM.Cyclone affected communities in Vanuatu are being taught to cyclone proof their homes as the rebuild in the country continues almost seven months after Pam. Audio
Dateline Pacific morning edition for 2 October 2015
5:05 AM.Kiribati is to hold talks with other atoll states to try and develop a mechanism to cater for climate-induced migrants; A Nauru opposition MP labels the suspension of protesters' pensions a 'blatant… Read more Audio
Climate change migration the focus of Kiribati summit
5:04 AM.Kiribati prepares to host an international conference aiming to develop a mechanism to cater for people forced to migrate by climate change. Audio
Revoking Nauru pensioners' benefits 'abuse of power'
5:03 AM.A Nauru opposition MP says the revoking of pensioners' benefits for allegedly participating in anti-government protests in June is a blantant abuse of power. Audio