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Pacific Waves for Friday 17 April 2015
Dateline Pacific evening edition for 17 April 2015
3:05 PM.Fiji's Department of Corrections the latest to be investigated; An academic says Australia needs to involve Norfolk Islanders - academic; Child labour and trafficking in Fiji tackled; Bougainville… Read more Audio
Fiji's Department of Corrections the latest to be investigated
3:04 PM.Fiji's FICAC has opened an investigation into another high-profile organisation - the Department of Corrections. Audio
Australia needs to involve Norfolk Islanders - academic
3:03 PM.An academic says Norfolk Islanders should have a chance to have a say in their future political status. Audio
Child labour, trafficking in Fiji tackled
3:02 PM.The People's Community Network says it has helped hundreds of child labourers into a formal education in Fiji. Audio
Dateline Pacific morning edition for 17 April 2015
5:05 AM.Bougainville lays groundwork for independence referendum within the term of the region's next parliament ; The Pacific Freedom Forum has condemned the PNG National newspaper for advocating strict… Read more Audio
Bougainville makes first preparations for referendum
5:04 AM.Bougainville lays groundwork for a referendum on independence to be held in the next term of the region'ss parliament. Audio
PNG paper advocates draconian social media laws
5:03 AM.The Pacific Freedom Forum has condemned an editorial in Papua New Guinea's National Newspaper calling for strict control measures on social media users. Audio