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Pacific Waves for Tuesday 14 April 2015
Dateline Pacific evening edition for 14 April 2015
3:04 PM.Fiji elections observers recommend some changes in their report on last year's elections; Indonesia's National Human Rights Commission recommend a pro-justicia inquiry into the killing of four… Read more Audio
Law changes among observers' tips for future Fiji elections
3:03 PM.The international group which observed Fiji's general election last year has recommended Fiji revise some of its laws including a controversial decree which restricts public gatherings. Audio
French Polynesia puts name forward for 2023 Pacific Games
3:00 PM.French Polynesia has announced its intention to bid for the 2023 Pacific Games and plans to spend 150 million US dollars on venues and equipment if successful. Audio
Dateline Pacific morning edition for 14 April 2015
5:05 AM.Indonesia's National Human Rights Commission recommend a pro-justicia inquiry into the killing of four students in West Papua; Landowners in Solomon Islands are making an unprecedented bid to buy… Read more Audio
Indonesia's Human Rights Commission calls for new Paniai probe
5:04 AM.Indonesia's National Human Rights Commission has announced that it will recommend a pro-justicia inquiry into killings of four students in Papua province last year. Audio
Landowners bid to purchase Solomons goldmine
5:03 AM.Landowners in Solomon Islands are making an unprecedented bid to buy themselves a gold mine after the national government backed out of a planned purchase last month. Audio