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Pacific Waves for Friday 23 January 2015
Dateline Pacific evening edition for 23 January 2015
4:06 PM.Cooks Democrats scramble to confer; Marshalls braced for more King Tides; Kiribati human rights under scrutiny; PNG district development hampered by duplication; Guam aims to end homelessness for… Read more Audio
Cooks Democrats scramble to confer
4:05 PM.Manoeuvrings across party lines are reportedly afoot as lobbying to form a coalition government intensifies among the Cook Islands' main political parties. Audio
Marshalls braced for more king tides
4:04 PM.More king tides expected in Marshall Islands this weekend. Audio
Dateline Pacific morning edition for 23 January 2015
6:07 AM.Kiribati human rights under scrutiny; PNG district development hampered by duplication; The New Caledonia government impasse continues; Fiji Attorney-General broke laws according to sacked TV execs… Read more Audio
Kiribati human rights under scrutiny
6:05 AM.Kiribati has had its human rights reviewed by the United Nations, highlighting a number of areas of concern. Audio
PNG district development hampered by duplication of functions
6:04 AM.Duplication of functions and political disharmony between provincial and district administrations are seen as factors holding back development of Papua New Guinea's districts despite a recent… Read more Audio
Political uncertainty continues in Cooks
6:03 AM.Six months after the Cook Islands general election the result remains uncertain, with another by-election pending in Aitutaki next month and political parties still vying for voters' attention. Audio
Guam aims to end homelessness for veterans
6:00 AM.Preparations going well ahead of Guam anual homeless count. Audio