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Pacific Waves for Tuesday 26 November 2013
Dateline Pacific evening edition for 26 November 2013
4:00 PM.A former senior military official in Fiji has been found guilty of inciting mutiny; Pacific fishing fleets are to be pushed to agree on new regulations on catches;The World Bank highlights the… Read more Audio
Pacific fishing fleets will be pushed to agree on new regulations on catches
3:03 PM.As Pacific fishing countries and other distant nations meet in Queensland on Monday, the Tuna Commission is saying a robust agreement must be made. Audio
Fiji former senior military official found guilty
3:01 PM.A former top ranking military official in Fiji Pita Driti has been found guilty of inciting mutiny. Audio
Academic awarded grant to research 200-years of Samoa's history
5:20 AM.An Auckland University academic has been awarded funding to research a key period of Samoa's history, from 1800 to 2000. Audio
PNG builds on its international relationships
5:15 AM.Papua New Guinea's government is keen to engage with the international community and is maintaining an open door policy to its foreign policy. Audio
World Bank put focus on economic cost of domestic violence
5:12 AM.The World Bank highlights the economic impact of domestic violence. Audio
Dateline Pacific morning edition for 26 November 2013
5:10 AM.The World Bank highlights the economic cost of domestic violence; The Papua New Guinea government builds on its international relationships; An academic is awarded a grant to research 200-years of… Read more Audio