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Pacific Waves for Tuesday 1 October 2013
Dateline Pacifc evening edition for 1 October 2013
4:00 PM.Civil society groups in Solomon Islands say PM trying to gag them; Uncertainty for seven West Papuans deported to PNG by Australia; Samoan Villages reflect on the September 2009 tsunami, four years… Read more Audio
Vanuatu to use clothing to bridge cultural gap with Chinese
3:05 PM.The Vanuatu Cultural Centre hopes local designers and tailors can use clothing to bridge a cultural gap between ni-Vanuatu people and Chinese immigrants. Audio
PNG anti-corruption group urges institutional strengthening
3:04 PM.PNG anti-corruption group urges institutional strengthening. Audio
Civil society groups in Solomons say PM trying to gag them
6:03 AM.Solomon Islands civil society groups are accusing the government of trying to stop them from speaking out against it. Audio
Samoan Villages reflect on the September 2009 tsunami
6:02 AM.Those who are reflecting on the devastating tsunami four years ago, say emotions and memories from that day are still fresh in their minds. Audio
Uncertainty for seven West Papuans deported to PNG by Australia
6:01 AM.Uncertainty prevails over the future of seven West Papuan asylum seekers deported by Australia to PNG. Audio
Dateline Pacific morning edition for 1 October 2013
6:00 AM.Uncertainty for seven West Papuans deported to PNG by Australia; Samoan Villages reflect on the September 2009 tsunami, four years on; Civil society groups say PM trying to gag them; Samoa Govt bans… Read more Audio