4 Jun 2020

Fijians need to take more responsibility - Health Minister

6:46 am on 4 June 2020

Fiji's Health Minister says people need to take more responsibility for their well-being.

Fiji's Minister of Health, Ifereimi Waqainabete

Fiji's Minister of Health, Ifereimi Waqainabete Photo: RNZ Pacific / Koro Vaka'uta

Ifereimi Waqainabete's comments come after a recent surge in cases of leptospirosis, typhoid and dengue.

This year Fiji has 278 cases of leptospirosis, 77 of typhoid and nearly 800 cases of dengue fever.

The minister said if properties had overgrown weeds, blocked drains and tires filled with water, then families were being put at risk

Dr Waqainabete also warned the public to be mindful of small cuts which might get infected.

Fiji has also had 18 cases of Covid-19.