7 Sep 2018

Warning issued over misuse of drones in Samoa

2:40 pm on 7 September 2018

Drone owners in Samoa are being warned about misusing the technology after a series of complaints from villagers.

Residents of Faga village on Savai'i have complained on several occasions about drones hovering near their bedrooms.

Villagers directed their criticism at the Amoa Resort, whose general manager, Paul Cafarelli, said action has been taken.

He said the resort doesn't want to invade people's privacy and it has put restrictions on how drones can be operated from the resort.

The police commissioner, Fuiavailili Egon Keil has warned against "illegal practices" in response to the concerns.

Aeronavics Drone with navigation lights

Aeronavics Drone with navigation lights Photo: Supplied / Aeronavics