Local govt leaders in PNG could boycott elections

3:45 pm on 5 July 2018

A number of district heads in Papua New Guinea have threatened to boycott Local Level Government elections, set for the end of September, over the non-payment of salaries and allowances.

PNG voters must dip a finger into indelible ink before voting, an effort to ensure they don't vote twice.

Photo: RNZI/ Johnny Blades

The New Guinea Islands Mayor Secretariat has threatened the boycott while wards in East New Britain and Northern provinces have joined a growing list to complain about outstanding salaries.

Kavieng Mayor Stanley Mawsini said the non-payment of presidents and ward members' salaries may force many of the secretariat's members to boycott the LLG elections which start in two months.

Mr Mawsini said the National Government should pay because they undermining the Local Level Government system.

He said the system had become a hindrance rather than a development tool.

Mr Mawsini said ward members and presidents had been loyal in rendering their services but could not continue to do so for free.

A notice of intention to boycott has been handed over to East New Britain Governor Nakikus Konga for 18 LLG presidents and 386 ward members.

The Post Courier reported that the National Government had promised them $US120 a month since 2014.