Two people have been detained in French Polynesia after police discovered almost 400 cannabis plants.
Cannabis plant Photo: AFP
A patrol spotted a few plants in pots in Tipaerui in Tahiti and a search of the premises led to the rest of the plants.
One of the men reportedly admitted that he was earning about $US1,500 a month from selling paka, which is the local term for cannabis.
He was known to police and had served four years in prison for drugs trafficking.
The prevalence of drug consumption has been linked to difficult economic times.
In an allusion to the sign above Hollywood, unknown people overnight placed large letters on top of a reservoir which make up the word 'Pakaland'.
The sign has startled the public.
Sign startles Tahiti Photo: Radio 1 Tahiti
Sign on reservoir startles Tahitians Photo: La Depeche de Tahiti