The captains of three Vietnamese blue boats have been fined $US1.4 million by the Solomon Islands High Court for illegal fishing.
Photo: RNZI/Supplied by Frank Aote’e
The Solomon Star reported that Chief Justice Sir Albert Palmer told the blue boat captains that if they failed to pay their fines within 30 days, they would be given four year jail terms.
The captains Do Van Va, Vo Van Vi and Nguyen Nguyen were apprehended along with their crews on the three boats by Solomon Islands authorities in March.
Sir Albert had already fined the three captains for illegal entry into Solomon Islands fisheries.
They were also fined for catching and selling prohibited beche-de-mer and engaging in activities related to fish processing for the purpose of export without a valid licence.
Two-year jail terms that Sir Albert ordered earlier would run concurrently with the four year sentences if the captains defaulted on paying the latest fines.