30 Jun 2017

Pharmac visits Pacific communities with a strategy

8:41 am on 30 June 2017

How to improve access for Pacific communities in New Zealand to medicines was the focus of the government's drug buying agency Pharmac this week.

An extra $60 million for Pharmac over the next four years will benefit more than 60,000 New Zealanders, it said.

An extra $60 million for Pharmac over the next four years will benefit more than 60,000 New Zealanders, it said. Photo: 123RF

It met with Pacific communities to explain its Pacific Responsiveness Strategy - a 10 year plan for Pharmac to help improve Pacific peoples' health.

Reports from the Ministry of Health show Pacific people in New Zealand are less healthy than other population groups.

Chairman of the Consumer Advisory Committee to PHARMAC David Lui said it was vital for the agency to listen to the Pacific communities.

"We had some very strong and some very clear feedback from our communities, not only around issues that Pharmac needs to consider, but I think particularly heart-warming to kind of hear some of their suggestions and solutions going forward, which is really what we're looking for," he said.