13 Apr 2015

Fiji credit info agency faces accusations

11:21 am on 13 April 2015

The Fiji Consumer Council says the credit information provider, Data Bureau, is violating the privacy rights of consumers and breaching the constitution.

The Data Bureau collects credit details on individuals and businesses in the country.

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Photo: AFP

But the Consumer Council's Bindula Prasad says the Data Bureau is selling consumers' private information without their knowledge.

Ms Prasad also says the Bureau is not allowed to retain private information it has for any length of time.

"Because the confidential information is passed on to the credit providers, this results in a breach of the Constitutional provision. So a person does not have a right to privacy."

Bindula Prasad says it isn't fair Data Bureau continues to retain details despite consumers having cleared their debts.

She says one consumer complained that his name was on Data Bureau records over a debt of $34 US dollars.

Ms Prasad says the Council has asked the government to clarify the law on the protection of consumers' rights.

"It's only fair that once their debts have been cleared their name should not be on Data Bureau because that will affect their future loans that they will intend to enter into."