23 Feb 2015

Fiji Sun defends practices in wake of MIDA ruling

7:31 pm on 23 February 2015

The Fiji Sun newspaper has rejected a ruling by the country's Media Industry Development Authority against one of its journalists, Jyoti Pratibha.

MIDA has ruled that two articles about opposition parties were antagonistic, thoroughly yoked in the logic of race and bereft of facts, while an article about Sodelpa's youth leader, Peter Waqavonovono, was defamatory and incriminating in nature.

In an article in today's Fiji Sun, publisher Peter Lomas says the ruling appears to have been made by MIDA's chair, Ashwin Raj, alone.

He says Ms Pratibha's robust reporting is being targeted through a smear campaign by people linked to the opposition.

Mr Lomas says all news media should be concerned by the ruling, which could mean Fijian journalism can be stifled by the opinion of one man.

He says the Fiji Sun's lawyers will be looking at all options in response.