1 Dec 2014

Solomons first coalition attempt falls over

8:15 pm on 1 December 2014

The first attempt to form a governing coalition in Solomon Islands appears to have fallen over with multiple withdrawals just minutes before the agreements were formalised.

On Monday morning local media reported the Solomon Islands People's Coalition had four political parties and 29 MPs backing it.

But the Political Parties Commission says that just minutes before Government House was to collect the agreement one party said it would withdraw taking three MPs with it, while another two MPs have also pulled out.

The National Parliament of Solomon Islands in Honiara.

The National Parliament of Solomon Islands in Honiara. Photo: RNZ Koroi Hawkins

Meanwhile a political minnow, the Kadere Party, which won just 1 seat in the election now has attracted 7 independents.

Six independent MPs remain unaligned to political parties.