1 Aug 2014

West Papuan media influenced to not report on KNPB

1:46 pm on 1 August 2014

A journalist from Indonesia's Papua region says police discourage journalists from covering issues or stories involving the National Committee for West Papua, or KNPB.

According to Victor Mambor, the KNPB is the leading pro-independence organisation in West Papua and, as such, is the subject of much attention from security forces.

Mr Mambor, who is currently in New Zealand to talk about challenges to media freedom in his homeland, says newspapers in West Papua are reluctant to report about the KNPB.

"Police have a good way to stop KNPB propaganda. They try to influence many journalists in West Papua to stop covering the KNPB news. I think all of the newspapers in West Papua, they cannot publish the news about KNPB."

Victor Mambor says an exception to this is his newspaper, Tabloid Jubi, which is prepared to report on the KNPB.