An American Samoa senator says he believes governor Lolo Matalasi Moliga is violating the law by governing from outside of the territory.
Governor Lolo has been absent from the territory since February after falling ill in Washington D.C..
Later he moved to Hawaii for medical treatment and remains there.
Senator Galea'i Tu'ufuli says the law is clear that in the absence of the governor, the lieutenant governor becomes acting governor.
He says what is happening is unprecedented and is almost like a government in exile.
He also says secrecy surrounding the governor's medical condition raises questions as to his soundness of mind and body, given he is making decisions that affect the well being of American Samoa.
The governor's executive assistant, Iulogologo Joseph Pereira, told KHJ News earlier this month they were hoping that this would be their last month in Honolulu.
He also added the governor must complete his medical treatment regimen to ensure he fully recovers before returning home.