18 Sep 2013

Remedial courses a burden for American Samoa college

7:21 pm on 18 September 2013

The president of the American Samoa Community College, Dr Seth Galeai, says high school graduates needing remedial courses place a huge burden on the college's resources.

90 percent of local high school graduates need remedial courses before they are ready to start a college programme.

Dr Galeai has told lawmakers the college is spending an inordinate amount of time on remedial classes and programmes.

He will shortly provide to the lawmakers a cost assessment of the resources allocated to remedial courses but he says it is already the largest programme on the campus.

"It has the most faculty and most resources go to this programme. That is just an indication as to the urgency and the focus that we have to focus on remediation even before thinking about allocating resources for our college level programmes."

Dr. Seth Galeai.