14 Aug 2013

Bougainville leader says PNG trying to fragment region

10:13 am on 14 August 2013

The President of Bougainville has accused the Papua New Guinea national government of trying to fragment the region in the lead up to the independence referendum.

John Momis says the Bougainville members in the national Parliament are useless and don't push Bougainville's interests.

He says Prime Minister Peter O'Neill is not to be trusted on his argument that paying Bougainville the 100 million kina commitment each year has led to misspending.

Peter O'Neill says he will only pay the rest of the 400 million kina by way of development projects, but Mr Momis says that goes against the principle of subsidiarity and the withholding of funds is due to ulterior motives.

"You know they are deliberately trying to fragment Bougainville which will not happen, they are deliberately trying to undermine the leadership and the people of Bougainville by using our own members, members of parliament. We have four Bougainville members who are totally useless to us they don't even come to us, they get 45 million between them for pork barrel politicking."

The President of the autonomous region of Bougainville John Momis says the money should go directly to the autonomous government.