13 Oct 2010

Prospective new cannery for American Samoa edges closer

8:14 pm on 13 October 2010

A subsidiary of the multi national company, Tri Marine International, says it's ready to start employing workers in American Samoa next month as it prepares to build a state of the art cannery on the site of the shut down Chicken of the Sea plant.

The American Samoa senate is currently reviewing an initial lease agreement signed last week by the Governor, Togiola Tulafono and Samoa Tuna Processors Inc.

The company wants a longer lease period than the less than ten years the Governor could commit to but such an extension requires the approval of the legislature.

The secretary of Samoa Tuna Processors, Dan King, told the lawmakers how advanced the company's preparations are.

"We will have a project manager here next month to start demolition and construction. We will be hiring 30 to 40 people next month, mostly of them existing or prior Chicken of the Sea employees, and as construction goes we will be hiring local companies to provide construction jobs for the rebuilding. We intend to build a state of the art cannery - it'll be the newest one on the globe."