Fiji's interim foreign minister has told a United Nations conference the country is on track to achieve five of the eight Millennium Development Goals.
A UN General Assembly session is being held in New York to review progress towards achieving some of the goals.
Ratu Inoke Kubuabola says the Millennium Development Goals have been integrated into the People's Charter, Strategic Framework for Change and the Roadmap to elections.
"The aim is to bring about a government structure that is truly participatory, consensus oriented, accountable, transparent, and follows the rule of law. It assures that corruption is minimized; the views of minorities are taken into account; and that the voices of tlie most vulnerable in society are heard."
However, Ratu Inoke says it will be a major challenge for Fiji to meet three of the goals - eradicating extreme poverty, promote gender equality, combatting HIV/AIDS and other diseases.