1 Sep 2010

Cook Island political reform group wants fewer MPs

5:28 pm on 1 September 2010

A group pressing for political reform in the Cook Islands wants a proposed referendum on the issue to include a question on the number of MPs in Parliament.

One of the founders of the Group for Political Change, Tere Carr, says the referendum, proposed to take place before the November elections, is a chance for Rarotongans to get fairer representation.

She says outer island MPs have sixty percent of 24 seats in parliament despite representing just thirty percent of the population.

"Issues of national importance, possibly to do with tourism issues, issues that affect us nationally do get put on the backburner because they are issues of little concern to our members of the outer islands because some of the issues don't affect them. We would just like to see that imbalance corrected."

Tere Carr of the Group for Political Change