18 Aug 2010

American Samoa lawmaker wants to know where the US stimulis dollars are

3:43 pm on 18 August 2010

While American Samoa has been awarded close to 65 million US dollars in stimulus spending under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, only ten percent of that amount has been received.

One lawmaker, Larry Sanitoa, says a lot of this award needs to be spent by the end of next month, and he wants a full report from the territorial government as to why there's a delay in acccessing it.

Mr Sanitoa says the government should provide a complete report of how the money received so far has been spent and how many new jobs have been created or retained.

He says the stimulus funding report will be useful when lawmakers review

the new budget, which is yet to be submitted to the Fono.

There has been no word so far from the Government to explaina the funding delays.