The accommodation manager for the Pacific Mini Games being hosted by the Cook Islands later this year says the event would be impossible without the full-scale support of the community.
Rumours of a financial shortfall persist during the lead-up to the September event, with the organising company accused of misappropriating funds and criticised for building a new multi-purpose sports facility.
The Minister responsible for the Games, Wilkie Rasmussen, says appointing a host broadcaster is the only issue still to be resolved and talk of requests for extra financial help from the Chinese government is untrue.
But Elizabeth Ponga says the Cook Islands is only able to host the Games because of huge community participation.
"I think it'll be impossible because finance would be a big factor in any game of this magnitude for us, It would only be the volunteers then it becomes at a very high cost for paying for every service so the community then is joining forces because whether we like it or not, it belongs to us now."
Elizabeth Ponga of the Cook Islands Pacific Mini Games Company.