The Cook Islands Pacific Mini Games Minister says the only issue left to be resolved before the September event is the appointment of a host broadcaster.
Rumours of a financial shortfall persist in the run-up to the Games, with the organising company earlier accused of misappropriating funds and criticised for building a new multi-purpose sports facility.
Wilkie Rasmussen says spending on the Games is within budget and construction is progressing well.
But he says the person lined up to co-ordinate host broadcasting is asking to be paid too much.
"For the time frame that's there and for the services that will be provided and for what the Cook Islands Government gets in return and we reserve the right therefore to renegotiate that agreement. But we do not believe that the broadcasting of the Games is actually an integral matter of the games, the broadcasting aspect of it is sponsorship but we don't have regional sponsorship."
Wilkie Rasmussen says there is always the option of waiving the broadcasting requirement.