The president of the American Samoa Chamber of Commerce, David Robinson, says he was finger-printed and locked in a room by federal agents upon arrival at Honolulu International Airport two weeks ago.
He says there was no explanation.
Mr Robinson says he was very angry for being detained and even more furious when he wasn't even given a reason for being taken into federal custody.
He was in Honolulu to attend the U.S. Interior Department's Business Opportunity for Islands conference, representing not only the Chamber, but his company Panamex Pacific, the American Samoa Visitors' Bureau and the Governor's Economic Advisory Council.
Mr Robinson says he was told that the name 'David Robinson' is not uncommon and when his name was entered into the computer system, it flashed a warning.
He says he is lodging an official complaint with the head of the Immigration service in Washington D.C. as well as the office in Honolulu.