A lawyer representing the Fiji Bus Operators Association welcomes the interim government's move to stop a decrease in bus fares, and says an urgent review of bus fares is now needed.
Viren Kapardi says the interim Prime Minister Commodore Frank Bainimarama told the Minister of Transport to not implement an earlier directive to drop bus fares by 10 percent from February 8.
In June 2008 an application was made with the Land Transport Authority for bus fares to increase by 20-percent.
Mr Kapardi says there have been many cost increases to operators since then and a hearing is necessary to sort out nationwide bus fares for around 60 independent private bus operators.
"The government and the Fiji Bus Operators Association will need to meet and discuss the future of bus fares particularly as there is already a application pending before the Land Transport Authority. I've advised my clients to now arrange for an early hearing of their busfare increase application before the Land Transport Authority which is the rightful body to actually grant the fare increase or decrease."
Lawyer for the Fiji Bus Operators Association, Viren Kapardi
Meanwhile Fiji's consumer council has voiced their public disappointment in the Prime Minister's directive to not drop the busfares.