Fiji's National Federation Party believes the consultations for the draft People's Charter process were extended because the document is not supported by a majority of Fiji's population.
NFP president, Raman Pratap Singh, told party members at its National Council meeting in Tamavua that the interim Government had failed to persuade the people to accept the Charter and with it the electoral reforms.
Fiji Live reports Mr Singh labelled the charter process political engineering and added that it was evident that there was unwillingness among the people to accept the Charter.
However, the Interim Attorney-General, Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum said without facts and figures political parties were generalising and misinforming the public at large about the draft Charter.
Mr Sayed-Khaiyum said the Charter consultation process in Lautoka, Ba and Tavua saw people in large numbers coming to support the document.
NFP general secretary Pramod Rae told members that the Charter was an obnoxious weed perpetrated by the interim Government and the Fiji Labour Party.
NFP has maintained its stand that the election has to be held within the parameters of the 1997 Constitution.