19 Nov 2021

Success for young composers

From Upbeat, 12:30 pm on 19 November 2021
NZSO Todd Young Composers Awards 2021. Left to right: Overall winner Micah Thompson, Orchestra's Choice winner Jack Bewley

NZSO Todd Young Composers Awards 2021. Left to right: Overall winner Micah Thompson, Orchestra's Choice winner Jack Bewley Photo: Latitude Creative

Vignette - Micah Thompson (score detail)

Vignette - Micah Thompson (score detail) Photo: RNZ


Congratulations to Micah Thompson and Jack Bewley, prize winners at this year's NZSO Todd Corporation Young Composers Awards.

Micah's composition Vignette won the top prize, while Jack's Vignette: sought peace was awarded the Orchestra's Choice prize.

Upbeat spoke with Micah Thompson about how he goes about composing, and the inspiration behind his winning composition.



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Music details

Micah THOMPSON: Vignette for small orchestra - New Zealand SO/James Judd (RNZ 2021)
(recorded at the Michael Fowler Centre, Wellington, by Darryl Stack)