29 Jul 2020

Andrew Beer plays Szymanowski

From Upbeat, 2:19 pm on 29 July 2020

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APO Concertmaster Andrew Beer

APO Concertmaster Andrew Beer Photo: ©Adrian Malloch

It was an unexpected surprise for APO Concertmaster Andrew Beer to be playing a concerto this year, due to the cancellation of the orchestra's guest soloists as a result of Covid-19 restrictions.

11 Frames (Rattle RAT D093)

11 Frames (Rattle RAT D093) Photo: UnkleFranc

He'll be performing Szymanowski's Second Violin Concerto on Thursday evening, and talks with David Morriss about the work.

Andrew's also recorded an album of New Zealand compositions for violin and piano, 11 Frames, with pianist Sarah Watkins.

And he explains to David Morriss what his role as Concertmaster involves and how it can make a positive difference to the orchestra.


New Horizons
Andrew Beer (violin), Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra/Hamish McKeich

Lilburn A Song of Islands 
Szymanowski Violin Concerto No 2 
Sibelius Symphony No 2

Thursday 30 July 2020, 8pm, Auckland Town Hall