23 Feb 2018

Love, Longing, Loss and opera

From Upbeat, 1:30 pm on 23 February 2018

The Auckland Art Gallery is hosting a concert in one of its exhibitions.

The Mackelvie Gallery is the location for Love, Longing, Loss, and also for a concert directly inspired by the paintings on display.

Married (Sadler) from the Auckland Art Gallery

Married (Sadler) from the Auckland Art Gallery Photo: Supplied

Korean soprano Minji Kim is joined by pianist Yun-Pai Hsu, double-bassist Jucheol Wang, and narrator Assistant curator Emma Jameson.

Their aim is to take audiences on a journey through the dramatic crescendos and decrescendos of human passion depicted in the exhibition.

Emma Jameson talks to Upbeat about the music, the artworks and the extraordinary convergence between the visual arts and music.

Love, Longing, Loss exhibition at Auckland Art Gallery

Love, Longing, Loss exhibition at Auckland Art Gallery Photo: Supplied