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Upbeat for Friday 24 November 2017
Resound 5 - Environmentalist composer sings the praises of NZ birds
1:45 PM.When composer Rod Biss heard the main nesting grounds of one of New Zealand’s most endangered birds was under imminent threat of being developed into dozens of expensive houses and a golf course, he… Read more Video, Audio
Lankum takes activism-infused Irish music to a new audience
1:25 PM.Irish music holds a special place in many of our hearts, and is growing in popularity with new, young audiences in the UK, Europe and America. Lankum is an Irish band formerly known as Lynched, who… Read more Audio
Young jazz vocalist brings back scat
1:00 PM.Young jazz vocalist Lauren Nottingham features on pianist Mark Donlon’s latest album Shadowbird and the two are touring the country with drummer Dexter Stanley-Tauvao and bassist Chris Beernink to… Read more Audio