Upbeat for Wednesday 6 July 2016
1.00 New Zealand Youth Choir claims top prize
The New Zealand Youth Choir, Waitangi 2016. Photo: Julia Reinholt
The New Zealand Youth Choir has won four categories and the Grand Prix prize at the International Festival of Academic Choirs in the Czech Republic. Music Director David Squire is thrilled with the result; which included five trophies and a cash prize of $4000nzd.
1.00 A step in a new direction
Toa Kohatura Paranihi & Connor Masseurs from Tu Move Photo: Supplied
The New Zealand School of Dance is offering a free dance course for young Maori and Pacific Island teenaged boys. It draws on combining, contemporary dance, street dance and Kapa Haka and gives the participants a chance to get a taste of what a career in dance could be like.
1.20 Matariki on the move: He Huinga Whetū
Kirsten Johnston from Music 101 spends time with He Huinga Whetū , graduates of the Toi Māori Aotearoa Pao Pao Pao music programme, who are are celebrating Matariki by breathing new life into the songs of Pao Pao Pao’s founder, the late Dr Hirini Melbourne.
1.40 The young leader
21 year old music director, conductor, composer and pianist Zac Johns Photo: Supplied
Zac Johns recently musically directed and conducted the latest season of Evita in Auckland and has assisted in Mamma Mia!, Godspell, Bugsy Malone and the New Zealand premiere of Dogfight and In The Heights. The 21 year old composer, conductor and pianist is in his final stages of a degree in contemporary composition at the University of Auckland.