Upbeat for Wednesday 25 May 2016
1.00 Music among the planes
Royal New Zealand Airforce Band at Te Papa Photo: Supplied
The Royal New Zealand Airforce Band is performing among the planes at the Airforce Museum of New Zealand in Wigram next week. Simon Brew and Alistair Isdale explain how the acoustics are altered because of the metal planes and the sense of camaraderie within the band.
1.20 The importance of art therapy
John Penman painting in "Studio Practice" class at Mapura Studios Photo: Supplied
Mapura Studio in Auckland provides a creative outlet for those with disabilities. Programmes are offered for all ages and abilities, and include life drawing, cartooning and dance. Studio director Diana MCPherson explains how this brings colour to the lives of those from diverse backgrounds.
1.40 Reflective Rachmaninov
NZ mezzo Sarah Court Photo: Supplied
Bach Musica NZ's choristers, along Russian tenor Dmitry Rusakov and NZ mezzo Sarah Court, present Rachmaninov's Vespers. Sarah Court explains how the 15 movements are reflective, quiet and deeply moving.