Sound Lounge for Friday 26 May 2017
Following on from the Masaaki Suzuki concert broadcast live from the Auckland Town Hall, masterpiece 20th century Bach transcriptions from Webern and Berio: the next in our series of NZ commissions for the Michl Hill International Violin Competition, Earth Air Water by David Farquhar; and Ryan Smith presents a special hour of NZ experimental music before New Music Dreams.
Inspired by BACH
György Ligeti Photo: Creative Commons
BACH transcribed. Berio: Contrapunctus No 19, from The Art of Fugue
Milan Giuseppe Verdi SO/Riccardo Chailly
Decca 476 2830
BACH transcribed WEBERN: Fuga (Ricercata) from A Musical Offering BWV1079
Berlin Phil, Pierre/Boulez
Sony SM3K 45 845
LIGETI: Invention for solo pno (after Bach)
Fredrik Ullén (pno)
BIS CD 15032
Michael Hill International Violin Competition commissions over the ages
Programme 4 of 8: David Farquhar
FARQUHAR: Earth Air Water
Andrew Wan (vln)
LIGETI: Lux Aeterna
Schola Heidelberg cond. Walter Nussbaum
BIS CD 1503
10:00 Two NZ Experimental labels
Ryan explores releases by New Zealand experimental labels End of the Alphabet Records and Sonorous Circle
YOUNGS AND MEEK: Lullaby for Lubieniecki Parts I & 5
Richard Youngs (vocals, percussion, keyboard), Noel Meek (vocals, percussion, electronics)
End of the Alphabet Records EAR028
MOTHLITE: Thumb On The Vine
Daniel O'Sullivan (vocals, electronics)
End of the Alphabet Records
YEONGRAK: Absorb Some Weapons; OMIT : Knockdown; I RYOKO: Continuous Partial Attention
End of the Alphabet Records
HAUNTS: Room 303
Stephanie Engelbrecht (percussion/electronics)
Sonorous Circle
11:00 New Music Dreams
Paul Douglas (electronics)
Touch TO:68 DS
Jeremy Cullen Photo: Paul McLaughlin
New Zealand composer and pianist Jeremy Cullen's album Scenes Vol. I is made up of pieces he composed for various projects, some real and some imaginary! Jeremy says: "There is no actual documentary called The World of Eugene Atget but if there was I’d like to think these three pieces would be on the soundtrack! I saw an exhibition of his photography at the Museum of Modern Art in San Francisco and was captivated by his photos of Paris from the early 20th Century. He viewed his work as public records and documents rather than “art” but they are exceptionally atmospheric and were an influence on the surrealists."
Jeremy Cullen (pno), Maria Grigoryeva (vla), Lyudmila Kadyrbaeva (cello)
Notornis NTS 001