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APO Celebrate Christmas 2019, Messiah & Christmas in Aachen Cathedral

10.00 APO Celebrate Christmas 2019

1.00 Messiah

8.00 Christmas in Aachen Cathedral

10.00 APO Celebrate Christmas 2019

This year's concert of Christmas music with guest soloist Isabella Moore (soprano), Graduate Choir NZ, Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra conducted by Holly Mathieson 

Recorded in Holy Trinity Cathedral, Auckland by RNZ

APO Celebrates Christmas

APO Celebrates Christmas Photo: Adrian Malloch

1.00 Messiah

HANDEL: Messiah 

Madeleine Pierard (soprano), Christopher Field (countertenor), Henry Choo (tenor), James Clayton (bass), The Tudor Consort, New Zealand Symphony Orchestra conducted by Graham Abbott 

Recorded in Michael Fowler Centre, Wellington by RNZ  in 2016

8.00 Christmas in Aachen Cathedral

Aachen Cathedral is one of the oldest cathedrals in Europe, constructed by order of the emperor Charlemagne in the 8th century. 

Polina Pastirchak (soprano), Harriet Krigh (cello), Michael Hoppe (organ), ChorWerk Ruhr, Aachen Cathedral Girls' Choir, WDR Radio Orchestra Cologne conducted by Enrico Delamboye 

Recorded in Cathedral, Aachen (WDR/EBU)

Inside Aachen Cathedral

Inside Aachen Cathedral Photo: CC BY 3.0