Italian Pavilion
“Nothing can be compared to the new life that the discovery of another country provides for a thoughtful person. Although I am still the same I believe to have changed to the bones.” - Goethe
I first visited Italy earlier this year, spending a few days in Rome. While there, I became intoxicated by the history, the architecture and the general atmosphere of the place. Where else in the space of a single day can you visit sites of historical importance such as (say) the place where Julius Caesar was assassinated (it's now a cat sanctuary, by the way!) and also stand in awe before artworks such as Michelangelo's Last Judgement? And then there's the food...
Join me as I guide you through the Italy of a hundred years ago – we'll meet famous composers such as Verdi and Puccini, discover the radical art of the Futurists, and hear some of the world's greatest opera singers.
David Morriss
Dynamism of a Cyclist by Umberto Boccioni (1913)