22 May 2024


From Sci Fi / Sci Fact, 5:00 am on 22 May 2024
US actor Robert Downey Jr. poses by a life-size Iron Man model during a press conference on his latest movie Iron Man, in Tokyo, on September 3, 2008. The movie will roadshow in Japan from September 27.   AFP PHOTO / TOSHIFUMI KITAMURA


Headshot of Dr. Krista Steenbergen

Dr. Krista Steenbergen Photo: MacDiarmid Institute

In order to save himself from poisons being emitted by the Palladium core in the arc reactor that powers his Ironman suit, Tony Stark develops a new element.

Dr Krista Steenbergen talks to Bryan Crump about some of the superheavy elements being created in labs around the world and their resemblance to Stark's Badassium.

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