Question time for 28 July 2020
KIRITAPU ALLAN to the Minister of Finance: What recent reports has he seen on the New Zealand economy in the context of the global COVID-19 pandemic?
Hon JUDITH COLLINS to the Prime Minister: Does she stand by her statement in the House on 22 July, “On 1 April, we created the Infrastructure Reference Group. On 17 May, we received over 1,900 potential projects; that was then provided to Ministers. We worked through a shortlist of 800. On 29 June, very quickly, they were signed off, and on 1 July they started to be rolled out”; if so, why hasn’t her Government released the full list of projects?
Hon PAUL GOLDSMITH to the Minister of Finance: Does he agree with the opinion of Marama Davidson that “tax is love”?
Hon JAMES SHAW to the Minister of Housing: What recent announcements has she made about the Government’s Progressive Home Ownership programme?
Hon GERRY BROWNLEE to the Minister of Housing: Does she plan to introduce and pass legislation before the House rises on 6 August to allow for people returning from overseas to be charged part of the costs of undertaking managed isolation?
Dr DUNCAN WEBB to the Minister of Energy and Resources: What recent announcements has she made about the Government’s target of 100 percent renewable electricity?
Dr SHANE RETI to the Minister of Health: Which public hospitals have staff that are also employed in isolation facilities, and what is the impact of staff moonlighting?
Hon LOUISE UPSTON to the Minister for Social Development: What proportion of the working age population is receiving the COVID-19 Wage Subsidy, COVID-19 Income Relief Payment, or Jobseeker Support?
JAN TINETTI to the Minister of Education: What response has he seen to the Government’s initiative to encourage vocational training and apprenticeship during New Zealand’s recovery from the impact of COVID-19?
CHRIS BISHOP to the Associate Minister of Transport: Does she stand by all her statements and policies on road safety?
SIMEON BROWN to the Minister of Corrections: Does he stand by his statement regarding community sentences, “we expect offenders to complete their hours”?
PRIYANCA RADHAKRISHNAN to the Minister for Social Development: What recent announcements has she made about supporting New Zealanders towards financial security?