4 Apr 2014

Mana urged to front on rumours

6:32 am on 4 April 2014

The Mana Party wants the Maori Party to front up about rumours the Government is proposing to axe two Maori Language state agencies, and set up a single organisation.

It says talk about the proposal to get rid of the Maori Language Commission and the Maori Broadcasting Funding Agency - Te Mangai Paoho, has been circulating among lawyers.

Annette Sykes.

Annette Sykes. Photo: SUPPLIED

The party president, Annette Sykes, says the matter is being listed in a cabinet paper to be presented on 22 April, and is connected to Government efforts to create a Maori Language Strategy.

The Mana Party says the Government apparently aims to appoint the leadership to a proposed Maori agency.

Ms Sykes questions why the Maori Party consistently aligns itself with the National-led Government, which appears to try to control taonga Maori and Maori issues, and wants to take the responsibility away from tangata whenua.

Ms Sykes says that's not the way of the Maori world.

The Maori Affairs Minister Pita Sharples did not respond to Radio New Zealand's request for comment.