22 Mar 2013

Rangitane says Crown has delayed deal

8:44 pm on 22 March 2013

A Palmerston North tribe says it understands the Crown is delaying settling claim with a local urban authority.

Some Rangitane people are against Tanenuiarangi Manawatu Incorporated making an agreement, arguing traditional members of Rangitane are not represented.

They appealed to their MP Tariana Turia for help, and a Rangitane descendant, Brigitte Te Awe Awe-Bevan, says the Treaty signing has been put on hold.

Ms Te Awe Awe-Bevan says the whole issue has turned into another grievance against the Crown.

The Government says by choosing to deal with Tanenuiarangi Manawatu Inc, it's following a recommendation of the Waitangi Tribunal.