8 Jun 2012

Hekia Parata commended for reversing ratio decision

6:31 pm on 8 June 2012

The national body representing many Maori immersion schools says Education Minister Hekia Parata has made the right decision by not introducing new teacher-student ratios.

The original proposal would not have affected kura kaupapa.

But, the chairperson of Te Runanga Nui o Nga Kura Kaupapa o Aotearoa, Tony Waho, says Ms Parata's back-tracking will benefit Maori children in mainstream schools.

He says that is because keeping a lid on class sizes means teachers will be able to foster better relationships with Maori students, who do not perform as well as non-Maori.

Mr Waho commends the minister for backing down and listening to objections, but he has also been impressed by teacher and parent rallies.

He says while kura were not facing cuts, he believes links between the Government and the education sector will now improve.