1 Jun 2012

Maori delegation going to China

6:33 am on 1 June 2012

The convenor of a Maori delegation heading to China to strengthen economic ties says offering language revitalisation advice to minorities in the Republic may also be on the cards.

The group, led by Maori Affairs Minister Pita Sharples, flies to China at the weekend.

The delegation is made up of people from a number of industries, including fishing, agribusiness, education and banking.

But convenor Ngahiwi Tomoana of Ngati Kahungunu says a less obvious area in which tangata whenua can help China is cultural revitalisation.

He says there are up to 30 minorities in China trying to recapture their languages and culture.

Mr Tomoana says its roopu (group) Maori can provide information about Maori success, such as kohanga, kura kaupapa and Maori health services.