28 Mar 2012

Kuia reflects on Kingitanga and Tonga

8:28 am on 28 March 2012

A Waikato-Tainui kuia is saddened by the death of Tonga's King George Tupou V, but she welcomes the new King, Tupou V1.

King George's funeral was held in Nuku'alofa on Monday.

His tangi was attended by the Maori King, Tuheitia, and his contingent.

A Waikato-Tainui kuia and historian, Mamae Takerei, says a special bond between Tonga and the Kingitanga has grown since 1947, when the late Princess Te Puea took the late Maori Queen Te Arikinui Dame Te Atairangikaahu there.

She says Te Puea took Dame Te Ata to Pacific countries such as Tonga to build relationships and strengthen their close kinship ties.