3 Mar 2012

More strife at meat works

3:16 pm on 3 March 2012

More industrial action is expected at AFFCO plants next week.

The Meat Workers union says AFFCO will lock out a further 250 of its members in Rangiuru, near Te Puke, from Tuesday and union members will strike in support of them.

Union members at AFFCO plants have also started a work ban on training people hired to replace those locked out by the company.

A 24 hour strike was held on Friday after 760 union members were locked-out after a breakdown in negotiations over a collective contract.

AFFCO says it locked out some and not others to send a serious message to the Meatworkers Union that it wants the dispute resolved.

Six out of eight AFFCO works are now subject to lockouts.

The union says the decision is appalling.

National Secretary Dave Eastlake says the company seems to be digging in for a drawn-out dispute.