6 Feb 2011

Compulsory DNA testing wanted in disputed paternity cases

6:09 am on 6 February 2011

The United Future Party says DNA tests to determine paternity should be made compulsory in cases where it is in dispute.

Party leader Peter Dunne says there are times when compulsory DNA testing is needed because some fathers are avoiding their responsibilities.

The recomendation by the party is in a 'State of the Family' report, which also proposes extending paid parental leave to 13 months.

Mr Dunne says extending paid parental leave from 14 weeks to 13 months would bring New Zealand into line with most European nations.

But Prime Minister John Key says New Zealand does not have the cash to do that.

He says the Government is borrowing $300 million per week and is focused on reducing that and returning to surplus.

Mr Key says compulsory, paternal DNA testing is worthy of debate, but there could be strong objections, which would have to be considered.