20 Sep 2012

Greens against fast-tracking of war memorial park

6:38 am on 20 September 2012

Green Party MPs say they cannot in good conscience support legislation to bring about the proposed National War Memorial Park.

The Government plans to have the $80 million park in Wellington ready for the 100-year anniversary of the landings at Gallipoli in 2015.

Special legislation has been introduced to fast-track the park.

A select committee report on the bill suggests several amendments, including about the use of Orders in Council or ministerial powers.

But in a minority report, Green MPs on the committee say while they wholeheartedly support the park, the extraordinary powers are a fundamental concern.

The MPs say the park's creation is not a national emergency, and overriding normal process to hurry projects through must not be allowed to become business as usual.

The legislation will now be given a second reading in the House.