Prime Minister John Key is shrugging off recent opinion polls showing a fall in support for the National Party.
In the latest 3 News poll - which was taken after the Government hit trouble over its plan to increase class sizes - support for National slipped to 45.8%.
The party's support has also dropped in the One News Colmar Brunton poll earlier this month, the New Zealand Herald poll last month and a series of Roy Morgan polls over the past four weeks.
National received 47.3% of the party vote at the general election last November and in the previous 3 News poll in April scored nearly 50% support.
Mr Key says the 3 News and One News polls both show National polling what it did on election night.
"It's hardly a reason to be particularly down in the mouth," Mr Key told Morning Report.
He said the Government faces lots of challenges, and it does not run the country in response to an opinion poll.
In the 3 News/Reid Research poll released on Sunday, support for the Labour Party rose from 29.4% to 33.2%, its best result in this survey in two years.
Labour leader David Shearer says the fall in support for National in recent opinion polls show the shine is coming off the Government.
Mr Shearer says a lot of people believe National is increasingly out of touch on issues such as asset sales and the proposed convention centre deal with SkyCity.
The Green Party recorded 14.4% support, while other parties scored well below the 5% party vote threshold, with New Zealand First the highest on 2.8%.
The poll of 1000 voters was conducted from 29 May to 6 June, and has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1%.