8 Jun 2012

Cross-party agreement wanted on education

1:57 pm on 8 June 2012

School sector groups say the fight over staffing ratios and class sizes proves the need for political parties to agree on education policy.

They say cross-party agreement would stop major swings that are unhelpful for children's education.

Radio New Zealand's education correspondent says the Government's backdown on staffing ratios that would have raised class sizes at many schools, is a victory for the groups that represent teachers, principals and boards of trustees.

Now some of these organisations want more.

Principals Federation president Paul Drummond says parents have sent a strong message that they do not want politicians to meddle with schools.

He says political parties need to agree on a common approach to education.

The PPTA and the NZEI - also want cross-party consensus on education.

However, the Secondary Principals Association says Governments have the right to make changes, though they should first consult with the education sector.